巴瑞克替尼磷酸盐. (Synonyms: 磷酸巴瑞克替尼; LY3009104 phosphate; INCB028050 phosphate)
目录号: PC10031 纯度: ≥98%
CAS No. :1187595-84-1
商品编号 规格 价格 会员价 是否有货 数量
PC10031-5mg 5mg ¥490.00 请登录
PC10031-10mg 10mg ¥686.00 请登录
PC10031-50mg 50mg ¥2058.00 请登录
PC10031-200mg 200mg ¥5880.00 请登录
Baricitinib phosphate
INCB-28050;Baricitinib phosphate;2-[1-ethylsulfonyl-3-[4-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)pyrazol-1-yl]azetidin-3-yl]acetonitrile,phosphoric acid;[1-(Ethylsulfonyl)-3-[4-(7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl]azetidin-3-yl]acetonitrile phosphate;Baricitinib phosphate salt;INCB 028050;INCB-028050;LY 3009104;LY-3009104;Baricitinib (phosphate);XIB47S8NNB;INCB28050;baricitinib-phosphate;Baricitinib?Phosphate;3-Azetidineacetonitrile, 1-(ethylsulfonyl)-3-(4-(7H-pyrrolo(2,3-d)pyrimidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-, phosphate (1:1);SYN1117;FBPOWTFFUBBKBB-UHFFFAOYSA-N;C16H17N7O2S.H3PO4;BCP15527;[1-(Ethylsulfonyl)-3-[4-(7H-p
Cas No.

4°C, sealed storage, away from moisture

*In solvent : -80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month (sealed storage, away from moisture)


Baricitinib phosphate (LY3009104 phosphate; INCB028050 phosphate) is a selective orally bioavailable JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor with IC50 of 5.9 nM and 5.7 nM, respectively.



IC50 & Target[1][2]


5.7 nM (IC50)


5.9 nM (IC50)


53 nM (IC50)


560 nM (IC50)

体外研究(In Vitro)

In cell-based assays, Baricitinib phosphate (INCB028050 phosphate) proves to be a potent inhibitor of JAK signaling and function. In PBMCs, Baricitinib inhibits IL-6-stimulated phosphorylation of the canonical substrate STAT3 (pSTAT3) and subsequent production of the chemokine MCP-1 with IC50 values of 44 nM and 40 nM, respectively. In isolated naive T-cells, INCB028050 also inhibits pSTAT3 stimulated by IL-23 (IC50=20 nM). Importantly, this inhibition prevented the production of two pathogenic cytokines (IL-17 and IL-22) produced by Th17 cells-a subtype of helper T cells with demonstrable inflammatory and pathogenic properties-with an IC50 value of 50 nM. In stark contrast, the structurally similar but ineffective JAK1/2 inhibitors INCB027753 and INCB029843 has no significant effect in any of these assays systems when tested at concentrations up to 10 μM.

Medlife has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

体内研究(In Vivo)

Baricitinib phosphate (INCB028050 phosphate) treatment, compares with vehicle, inhibits the increase in hind paw volumes during the 2 wk of treatment by 50% at a dose of 1 mg/kg and >95% at doses of 3 or 10 mg/kg. Because baseline paw volume measurements are taken on treatment day 0-in animals with significant signs of disease-it is possible to have >100% inhibition in animals showing marked improvement in swelling. Baricitinib (0.7 mg/day) treated mice exhibits substantially reduced inflammation as assessed by H&E staining, reduced CD8 infiltration, and reduced MHC class I and class II expression when compared with vehicle-control treated mice. CD8NKG2D cells, critical effectors of disease in murine and human alopecia areata (AA), are greatly diminished in Baricitinib treated mice compare with vehicle control treated mice.

Medlife has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.


Room temperature or refrigerated transportation.


4°C, sealed storage, away from moisture

*In solvent : -80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month (sealed storage, away from moisture)


[1]. Fridman JS, et al. Selective inhibition of JAK1 and JAK2 is efficacious in rodent models of arthritis: preclinical characterization of INCB028050. J Immunol. 2010 May 1;184(9):5298-307.  [Information]

[2]. Jabbari A, et al. Reversal of Alopecia Areata Following Treatment With the JAK1/2 Inhibitor Baricitinib. EBioMedicine. 2015 Feb 26;2(4):351-5.  [Information]


DMSO : ≥ 4.7 mg/mL (10.01 mM)

* "≥" means soluble, but saturation unknown.

浓度 溶剂体积 质量 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
1 mM 2.1303 mL 10.6517 mL 21.3033 mL
5 mM 0.4261 mL 2.1303 mL 4.2607 mL
10 mM 0.2130 mL 1.0652 mL 2.1303 mL

储备液的保存方式和期限:-80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month (sealed storage, away from moisture)。-80°C 储存时,建议在 6 个月内使用,-20°C 储存时,建议在 1 个月内使用。


建议根据您的实验动物和给药方式选择适当的溶解方案。以下溶解方案都建议先按照 体外研究 方式配制澄清的储备液,再依次添加助溶剂:

——为保证实验结果的可靠性,澄清的储备液可以根据储存条件,适当保存;体内实验的工作液,建议您现用现配,当天使用; 以下溶剂前显示的百

  • 1.

    建议依照次序添加每种溶剂: 10% DMSO    40% PEG300    5% Tween-80    45% saline

    Solubility: ≥ 2.08 mg/mL (4.43 mM); Clear solution

    此方案可获得 ≥ 2.08 mg/mL (4.43 mM,饱和度未知) 的澄清溶液。

    以 1 mL 工作液为例,取 100 μL 20.8 mg/mL 的澄清 DMSO 储备液加到 400 μL PEG300 中,混合均匀;向上述体系中加入50 μL Tween-80,混合均匀;然后继续加入 450 μL生理盐水定容至 1 mL。

    将 0.9 g 氯化钠,完全溶解于 100 mL ddH?O 中,得到澄清透明的生理盐水溶液
  • 2.

    建议依照次序添加每种溶剂: 10% DMSO    90% (20% SBE-β-CD in saline)

    Solubility: 2.08 mg/mL (4.43 mM); Suspended solution; Need ultrasonic

    此方案可获得 2.08 mg/mL (4.43 mM) 的均匀悬浊液,悬浊液可用于口服和腹腔注射。

    以 1 mL 工作液为例,取 100 μL 20.8 mg/mL 的澄清 DMSO 储备液加到 900 μL 20% 的 SBE-β-CD 生理盐水水溶液中,混合均匀。

    将 2 g 磺丁基醚 β-环糊精加入 5 mL 生理盐水中,再用生理盐水定容至 10 mL,完全溶解,澄清透明
  • 3.

    建议依照次序添加每种溶剂: 10% DMSO    90% corn oil

    Solubility: ≥ 2.08 mg/mL (4.43 mM); Clear solution

    此方案可获得 ≥ 2.08 mg/mL (4.43 mM,饱和度未知) 的澄清溶液,此方案不适用于实验周期在半个月以上的实验。

    以 1 mL 工作液为例,取 100 μL 20.8 mg/mL 的澄清 DMSO 储备液加到 900 μL玉米油中,混合均匀。




The molarity calculator equation
Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)
The dilution calculator equation
Concentration (start) × Volume (start) = Concentration (final) × Volume (final)
This equation is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2