发布日期:2024/7/12 11:06:00

Authors:Gerhard Levy and Takashi Tsuchiya

作者:Gerhard Levy 和 Takashi Tsuchiya

Journal:New England Journal of Medicine, 1972, Volume 287, Pages 430-432


Objective:The study investigates the kinetics of salicylate accumulation in humans. Salicylate, the active metabolite of aspirin, is widely used for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Understanding its accumulation in the body is crucial for optimizing dosing regimens and minimizing toxicity.



- Participants: Human subjects administered with salicylates.
- Measurements: Blood salicylate levels were measured over time.
- Data Analysis: The kinetics of salicylate accumulation was analyzed to understand its pharmacokinetic properties.


- 参与者:给受试者服用水杨酸盐。
- 测量:随时间测量血液中的水杨酸盐水平。
- 数据分析:分析水杨酸盐的累积动力学以了解其药代动力学特性。


1. Absorption and Distribution: Salicylate is rapidly absorbed and distributed in the body.
2. Metabolism: The metabolism of salicylate follows a complex kinetic model, indicating multiple phases of metabolism.
3. Elimination: Salicylate elimination is nonlinear, with higher doses leading to a disproportionately higher plasma concentration.
4. Toxicity Risks: High doses can result in significant accumulation, raising the risk of toxicity.


1. 吸收和分布:水杨酸盐迅速被吸收并在体内分布。
2. 代谢:水杨酸盐的代谢遵循复杂的动力学模型,表明存在多个代谢阶段。
3. 排泄:水杨酸盐的排泄是非线性的,较高的剂量会导致血浆浓度成比例地升高。
4. 毒性风险:高剂量可能导致显著累积,增加毒性风险。


The study highlights the importance of monitoring blood salicylate levels to avoid toxicity, especially in high-dose or prolonged therapy. The findings suggest that dosage adjustments may be necessary to maintain therapeutic efficacy while minimizing adverse effects.



Related Compounds and CAS Numbers

1. Salicylic Acid (Salicylate) - CAS Number: 69-72-7
2. Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) - CAS Number: 50-78-2
3. Salicyluric Acid - CAS Number: 487-54-7
4. Gentisic Acid (2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid) - CAS Number: 490-79-9
5. Phenol (a metabolite of salicylate) - CAS Number: 108-95-2


2,5-二羟基苯甲酸. 490-79-9
Salicyluric acid 487-54-7
Salicylic acid 69-72-7
Salicylic acid 69-72-7
Salicyluric acid 487-54-7
水杨酸 69-72-7
苯酚 108-95-2
Aspirin 50-78-2
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