发布日期:2024/7/1 15:41:00

Authors / 作者:Lin-Yong Li, Jie Xiao, Qiang Liu, Kun Xia

Journal / 期刊:Biology Open

Publication Date / 发表日期:March 15, 2017

Volume / 卷:6

Issue / 期:3

Pages / 页码:311-316


Abstract / 摘要

Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the most aggressive and lethal brain cancers, necessitating the development of new therapeutic strategies. Parecoxib, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, is known for its effectiveness in postoperative analgesia with minimal side effects. This study explores parecoxib's potential in inhibiting GBM cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. The findings indicate that parecoxib exerts its anti-tumor effects through the upregulation of miRNA-29c. Inhibition of miRNA-29c significantly reduces parecoxib's efficacy, highlighting its role in the drug's mechanism against GBM.


Key Findings / 主要发现

1. **Cell Proliferation:** Parecoxib significantly reduces GBM cell proliferation as evidenced by MTT and BrdU incorporation assays.
   **细胞增殖:** MTT和BrdU掺入实验表明,Parecoxib显著减少了GBM细胞的增殖。
2. **Cell Migration and Invasion:** Wound-healing and transwell assays demonstrate that parecoxib inhibits GBM cell migration and invasion in a dose-dependent manner.
   **细胞迁移和侵袭:** 伤口愈合和跨膜实验表明,Parecoxib以剂量依赖的方式抑制GBM细胞的迁移和侵袭。
3. **miRNA-29c Upregulation:** RT-qPCR analysis shows that parecoxib induces significant upregulation of miRNA-29c.
   **miRNA-29c上调:** RT-qPCR分析显示,Parecoxib显著上调miRNA-29c的表达。
4. **Mechanistic Insights:** Inhibition of miRNA-29c reverses the effects of parecoxib on GBM cells, suggesting miRNA-29c's crucial role in mediating these effects.
   **机制洞察:** miRNA-29c的抑制逆转了Parecoxib对GBM细胞的作用,表明miRNA-29c在调节这些作用中的关键作用。

Chemical Compounds and Their CAS Numbers / 化合物及其CAS号

1. **Parecoxib** (CAS Number: 198470-85-8)
   **Parecoxib** (CAS号:198470-85-8)
2. **miRNA-29c** (CAS Number not applicable as miRNAs do not have CAS numbers, being short sequences of nucleotides)
   **miRNA-29c** (CAS号不适用,因为miRNA没有CAS号,是短的核苷酸序列)


Parecoxib Sodium. 198470-85-8
上一篇:Discovery and Characterization of 2-Aminobenzimidazole Derivatives as Selective NOD1 Inhibitors 下一篇:Chronic administration of parecoxib exerts anxiolytic-like and memory enhancing effects and modulates synaptophysin expression in mice