发布日期:2024/6/26 16:41:00

Authors: Tsang C. C., Tang J. Y. M., Ye H., et al.


2020, 63(12): 1283-1298


The number of patients infected with Aspergillus rose dramatically in recent years. However, studies on the clinical spectrum and antifungal susceptibilities of non-classical (non-fumigatus, non-flavus, non-niger, and non-terreus) pathogenic Aspergillus species are very limited.



We examined the clinical spectrum and antifungal susceptibilities of 34 non-duplicated, non-classical Aspergillus isolates collected from Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Shanghai.



The Aspergillus isolates were identified by internal transcribed spacer, partial BenA, and partial CaM sequencing and phylogenetic analyses. Susceptibility testing against eight antifungals was performed following the European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing's methodology.



The 34 Aspergillus isolates were identified as 14 different rare/cryptic species of four sections (Flavi [n = 8], Nidulantes [n = 8], Nigri [n = 17], and Restricti [n = 1]). Except for one patient whose clinical history could not be retrieved, 72.7% of the remaining patients had underlying conditions predisposing them to Aspergillus infections. The most common diseases were pulmonary infections (n = 15), followed by skin/nail infections (n = 6), chronic otitis externa and/or media (n = 5), wound infections (n = 2), and mastoiditis/radiation necrosis (n = 1), with three cases of colonization. Five patients died during hospitalization due to the infection, and two others died within five years due to chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. Antifungal susceptibility testing showed that these isolates had different susceptibility profiles compared to classical Aspergillus species. Most isolates were susceptible or wild-type to amphotericin B. The minimum inhibitory concentrations for all three echinocandins were also low.



Susceptibility testing should be performed for infections due to these rare/cryptic Aspergillus species to guide proper patient management.


Relevant Compounds and CAS Numbers/相关化合物及CAS号

The following are the antifungal drugs mentioned in the article and their corresponding CAS numbers:


1. Amphotericin B (两性霉素B) - CAS号: 1397-89-3

2. Voriconazole (伏立康唑) - CAS号: 137234-62-9

3. Itraconazole (伊曲康唑) - CAS号: 84625-61-6

4. Posaconazole (泊沙康唑) - CAS号: 171228-49-2

5. Caspofungin (卡泊芬净) - CAS号: 179463-17-3

6. Micafungin (米卡芬净) - CAS号: 235114-32-6

7. Anidulafungin (阿尼芬净) - CAS号: 166663-25-8

8. Fluconazole (氟康唑) - CAS号: 86386-73-4


Amphotericin B. 1397-89-3
Itraconazole. 84625-61-6
|10mM (in 1mL DMSO)
伏立康唑. 137234-62-9
Fluconazole. 86386-73-4
(±)14(15)-EET-d11. 86386-73-4
泊沙康唑. 171228-49-2
艾莎康唑. 241479-67-4
Amphotericin B. 1397-89-3
两性霉素B. 1397-89-3
泊沙康唑 171228-49-2
伏立康唑. 137234-62-9
伊曲康唑. 84625-61-6
Caspofungin diacetate 179463-17-3
Caspofungin diacetate 179463-17-3
Anidulafungin 166663-25-8
上一篇:Hepatic phaeohyphomycosis due to a novel dematiaceous fungus, Pleurostoma hongkongense sp. nov., and importance of antifungal susceptibility testing 下一篇:In vitro activities of isavuconazole and other antifungal agents against Candida bloodstream isolates