发布日期:2024/8/6 16:29:00

Authors: Sakai S, Ochiai H, Mantani N, Kogure T, Shibahara N, Terasawa K.

作者: Sakai S, Ochiai H, Mantani N, Kogure T, Shibahara N, Terasawa K.
Journal: Mediators of Inflammation

期刊: 炎症介质
Year: 2001

年份: 2001
Volume: 10

卷: 10
Issue: 2

期: 2
Pages: 93-96

页码: 93-96
DOI: 10.1080/09629350120054572


This study investigates the effect of isoferulic acid (IFA) on survival rates in mice with lethal influenza virus pneumonia. IFA was administered to influenza-infected mice, significantly improving their survival rates and mitigating body weight loss in a dose-dependent manner. The study suggests that IFA could be a potential therapeutic agent for treating severe influenza infections.



Article Content Summary:

Background: Influenza virus pneumonia can be life-threatening, and there is a continuous search for effective treatments. Isoferulic acid, a compound known for its anti-inflammatory properties, was tested for its efficacy in improving survival rates in mice infected with lethal doses of the influenza virus.

Methods: Mice were infected with a lethal dose of the influenza virus and then administered isoferulic acid. The survival rates and body weights of the mice were monitored over time. Various dosages of IFA were tested to determine the optimal effective dose.

Results: Isoferulic acid administration significantly improved the survival rates of the mice. Mice treated with a suitable dose of IFA showed less body weight loss compared to untreated control mice. The study concluded that IFA is effective in improving the survival of mice with influenza virus pneumonia.

Conclusion: Isoferulic acid shows promise as a therapeutic agent for severe influenza virus infections, warranting further investigation.


背景: 流感病毒性肺炎可能是致命的,持续寻找有效的治疗方法。异阿魏酸因其抗炎特性被测试其对感染致命剂量流感病毒小鼠生存率的影响。

方法: 小鼠感染致命剂量的流感病毒,然后给予异阿魏酸。监测小鼠的生存率和体重变化。测试了各种剂量的IFA以确定最佳有效剂量。

结果: 异阿魏酸给药显著提高了小鼠的生存率。与未治疗的对照小鼠相比,接受适当剂量IFA治疗的小鼠体重下降较少。研究得出结论,IFA在提高流感病毒性肺炎小鼠生存率方面有效。

结论: 异阿魏酸作为治疗严重流感病毒感染的治疗剂显示出希望,值得进一步研究。

Key Compounds and Their CAS Numbers:

  1. Isoferulic Acid: CAS No. 537-73-5
  2. Ferulic Acid: CAS No. 1135-24-6
  3. Influenza Virus: Not applicable (biological entity)


  1. 异阿魏酸: CAS号 537-73-5
  2. 阿魏酸: CAS号 1135-24-6
  3. 流感病毒: 不适用(生物实体) ​




3-Hydroxy-4-methoxycinnamic acid. 537-73-5
Fumalic acid. 1135-24-6
Ferulic acid. 1135-24-6
阿魏酸. 1135-24-6
上一篇:Primitive Cardiac Cells from Human Embryonic Stem Cells 下一篇:Mediation of beta-endorphin by isoferulic acid to lower plasma glucose in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats