发布日期:2024/7/30 15:29:00

Authors: Hinz B, Cheremina O, Brune K

作者: Hinz B, Cheremina O, Brune K
Journal: FASEB Journal, 2008

期刊: FASEB Journal, 2008
Volume and Issue: 22(2), pages 383-390

卷号和期号: 第22卷,第2期,页码383-390
Publication Date: February 2008

出版日期: 2008年2月
PubMed ID: 17884974


For over three decades, acetaminophen (paracetamol) was believed to lack significant inhibition of peripheral prostanoids. Attempts to explain its action through inhibition of a central cyclooxygenase (COX)-3 have been dismissed. This study proposes that acetaminophen functions as a selective COX-2 inhibitor. The research involved assessing COX inhibition and pharmacokinetics in five volunteers who received a single 1000 mg dose of acetaminophen orally. Thromboxane B2 (COX-1) and prostaglandin E2 (COX-2) levels were measured in human whole blood both ex vivo and in vitro.



Key findings include:

- Acetaminophen showed a 4.4-fold selectivity for COX-2 inhibition.

- After oral administration, COX-1 inhibition was 56% and COX-2 inhibition was 83%.

- Acetaminophen plasma levels remained above the in vitro IC50 for COX-2 for at least 5 hours post-administration.

- The study concludes that acetaminophen's analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, along with its superior gastrointestinal safety profile compared to NSAIDs, can be attributed to its substantial COX-2 inhibition.


- 扑热息痛对COX-2抑制的选择性为4.4倍。

- 口服给药后,COX-1的抑制率为56%,COX-2的抑制率为83%。

- 扑热息痛血浆水平在给药后至少5小时内保持在COX-2的体外IC50以上。

- 研究得出结论,扑热息痛的镇痛和抗炎效果以及相对于NSAIDs的优越胃肠道安全性可归因于其显著的COX-2抑制作用。

Key Compounds and their CAS Numbers

Acetaminophen (Paracetamol): 103-90-2

Prostaglandin E2: 363-24-6



对乙酰氨基苯酚 APAP 103-90-2
Prostaglandin E2 363-24-6
Prostaglandin E2 363-24-6
对乙酰氨基酚 103-90-2
上一篇:Lactobacillus fermentum Postbiotic-induced Autophagy as Potential Approach for Treatment of Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity 下一篇:Creatine deficiency syndrome. A treatable myopathy due to arginine-glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) deficiency